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Knight's Nursery

Positive Transitions


Successful transition ensures your child settles quickly into nursery learning and developing from day one.


  • We want your child to be full of positive emotions – excitement, confidence and happiness - when they start nursery.
  • ‘Getting to Know You’ appointments will be encouraged and arranged prior to your child starting at Knight’s Nursery to ensure that we have gained as much information about each individual as possible.
  • We operate a staggered start throughout the initial weeks of term to ensure that children have a smooth transition into joining the nursery. This enables strong, positive relationships to be formed between each individual and the key workers to build the foundations for a successful, positive and happy year at nursery.
  • As well as a smooth transition into nursery, we aim to prepare children as much as possible for the exciting next step in their learning when starting school.
  • To ensure transition is as smooth as possible we will liaise closely with the schools in the local area, visiting the settings where possible and inviting your child’s new teacher to join us in the nursery. This will enable them to observe your child in the setting, assessing their social skills, independence, confidence, language and physical ability. We also offer the opportunity to meet your child’s new teacher to talk through the children’s records and look at their learning journeys.
  • At the end of the year we will complete a transition report for your child’s new teacher.
  • We work very closely with the Year R team at Richard de Clare Community Academy throughout the year as children joining the nursery will instantly become part of the Richard de Clare family.

Opportunities to work in partnership with the reception team at Richard de Clare include:


  • Joining Year R for stories, songs and rhymes on a regular basis
  • Attending special events and assemblies – nativity play, visiting authors etc
  • Using the main hall in the school for PE
  • Enjoying access to the school’s wonderful outdoor grounds


Year R staff will come and visit us in the nursery on a regular basis, getting to know your child, their interests and needs.


Please note that you must apply again for a Reception place, even if your child is currently attending Knight's Nursery at Richard de Clare Community School.


Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

