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School Logo

Richard De Clare Community Academy

With a Nursery for 3 to 4 year olds.

Dream Big, Work Hard, Believe and Achieve.

School Governors


Welcome to our Governors’ section. 

Our Local Governing Committee (LGC) currently comprises of 7 governors representing parents/carers, staff and the local community.


The Governing Committee works in partnership with the school's leadership team to provide an environment that respects the needs, values, cultures and opinions of others, where children can develop positive attitudes towards learning, discover success and develop self-esteem.


Bridge Academy Trust

Richard de Clare joined the Bridge Academy Trust on 1 April 2021.


To view our Member and Trustee information, please follow this link:  Member and Trustee information.


To view the Bridge Academy Trust Annual Accounts and other information please follow this link: Bridge Academy Trust 


Click here to view Bridge Academy Trust Strategic Plan.


Local Governing Committee


Sarah Dignasse (Chair)

Non-elected Governor
Appointed: 01/09/2024

Term of Office Ends: 31/08/2025


Malcolm Fincken (Vice Chair)

Non-Elected Governor

Appointed: 25/04/2022

Term of Office Ends:  24/04/2026


Christine Kelleher

Non-Elected Governor

Appointed: 07/12/2024

Term of Office Ends: 06/12/2028


Piotr Korabel

Non-Elected Governor

Appointed: 01/09/2023

Term of Office Ends: 31/08/2027


Gemma MacAndrews

Non-Elected Governor

Appointed: 28/03/2024

Term of Office Ends:  27/03/2028


Brian Payne

Non-Elected Governor

Appointed: 25/04/2022

Term of Office Ends: 24/04/2026


Flora Shaw

Staff Governor

Appointed: 01/03/2024 

Term of Office Ends: 29/02/2028



Liz Edwards

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

