Relationships, Health and Sex Education
During the summer we made some decisions relating to our delivery of statutory RHSE at Richard de Clare Community Academy that may come into effect during 2024-25.
The most significant change is a move away from the ‘Dimensions 3D PHSE’ Scheme of work to the, regularly updated, ‘Kapow PSHE’ Scheme of work covering significant elements of statutory RHSE. The change of scheme results in some small but potentially significant adjustments to the content that will be covered – including some elements of Sex Education in Year 6.
It is, therefore, necessary for us to provide parents with a period of consultation regarding this change; providing the details of the new scheme and some guidance. We have set up a dedicated page on our website where you can view the revised policy and the parental guidance issued by ‘Kapow’ regarding their RHSE curriculum.
You can also provide your feedback on this policy and curriculum update by emailing
Please be advised that the consultation period will end on 29th November 2024 before any changes to the policy and curriculum content are ratified by the local governing committee (LGC) on 3rd December 2024.
Please see below a Guide for Parents relating to Relationships, Health and Sex Education. A copy of the current PSHE and RHSE policy is also accessible below (also available on our school polices page).