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Richard De Clare Community Academy

With a Nursery for 3 to 4 year olds.

Dream Big, Work Hard, Believe and Achieve.

Substance Misuse and Parenting

Most parents or carers who drink alcohol or use drugs do it in moderation and are not a risk to their children. But if their drinking or drug use becomes harmful, this is substance misuse and it can stop them from providing safe care for their children.

So it's important that parents and carers can get support if they're concerned about their drinking or drug use. We've got advice and support services for parents or carers who are worried about how their habits affect their children.


What is substance misuse?

Substance misuse is when someone's drinking or drug use becomes harmful or dependent. By 'harmful' we mean when someone puts themselves or others in danger. They might continue to drink or take drugs even if it puts them at risk of illness, psychological problems or physical accidents.

Dependent drinking or drug use is when someone craves alcohol or drugs and continues to use them even though it causes them social, health or even financial problems.


How does substance misuse affect children?

Living in a household where a parent or carer misuses substances doesn't mean a child will experience abuse but it can be a risk.


Substance misuse can have negative effects on children at different stages in their lives.


During pregnancy, drinking and drug use can put babies at risk of birth defects, premature birth, being born underweight and withdrawal symptoms.


In later years, substance misuse can put children at risk of:

  • physical and emotional abuse or neglect
  • behavioural or emotional problems
  • having to care for their parents or siblings
  • poor attendance at school or low grades
  • experiencing poverty
  • being exposed to drugs or criminal activity
  • being separated from parents.


There are many organisations providing support to children and families include:


Free and confidential support to people experiencing issues with drugs, alcohol or mental health.


Advice and support for families affected by drugs and alcohol.


Help and emotional support through AA meetings for people experiencing problems with alcohol.


Friendly, confidential advice on drugs and details of local and national services.

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

