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Richard De Clare Community Academy

With a Nursery for 3 to 4 year olds.

Dream Big, Work Hard, Believe and Achieve.

Parent Code of Conduct

We use the term ‘parent’ to refer to anyone with parental responsibility for a pupil, and anyone caring for a child (including grandparents and child-minders).
At Bridge Academy Trust, we are committed to working partnership with parents to support their child’s learning. In each of our schools we aim to create a safe, respectful and inclusive environment for pupils, staff and parents. To help us do this, we set clear expectations and guidelines on behaviour for all members of our community. This includes staff (through the staff code of conduct), pupils (through our behaviour policy), and parents (through this code of conduct).

We request and expect parents and other visitors to:

• Respect the ethos, vision and values of our schools
• Treat all members of the school community with respect, with regards to both
communications and behaviour
• Refrain from any behaviours or language which might be deemed to be aggressive, abusive or insulting, when on school premises.

Where parental conduct falls short of our expectations, the school will respond in a
proportional way. The final decision for how to respond to breaches of this code of conduct rests with the headteacher.

Bridge Academy Trust - Parent Code of Conduct

Bridge Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales with company number 07663795. Registered Office: Community Building, Bridge Academy Trust, Brian Close, Chelmsford, Essex, CM2 9DZ.

Tel: 01245 202 937

