Years 3 to 6 - Steelpan workshop
On Wednesday 11th October, we were visited by the Irie Steelpan Workshop!
The children were treated to a morning performance (and dance!) in the hall. The performance consisted of some typical Caribbean tunes, some well-known music from Bob Marley and a very well-known sporting tune! Individual classes in Key Stage 2 then got to try out playing the steel drums, and dancing some more, in individual class workshops. During these, we learnt about how the different dents adjust the pitch of the music and allow these well known tunes to be played on such a simple creation. Some of us learnt to play some simple tunes and other had a go playing the bass drum.
We had a superb day with Junior and Marcella, shared lots of enjoyment and dancing with our friends, whilst learning learnt lots about the steel drum and Caribbean culture along the way!
Be sure to check out their website for more information: